I still remember my third-grade teacher telling me I was a good writer. Back then, I had never thought of myself that way—at least, not until she said it. But I believed her because I admired her so much. To this day, Ms. Ayala remains one of my favorite teachers. She took the time to encourage me, and her kind words left a lasting impact that I’m forever grateful for.
Writing is still a big part of my life. Whether it’s journaling, blogging, or working on my book, I know my love for writing started in those early school years. It was her words that made me believe, “I’m a good writer,” and that belief has stayed with me ever since.
Of course, I can also recall negative things people have said—whether in person or online. Those hurtful words are hard to forget too. I’m sure you can think of moments when someone’s words, whether kind or cruel, had a strong effect on you.
Words are powerful. They shape how we feel, how we see ourselves, and even how we view the world. They create our reality. It might sound a little “out there,” but scientists like Masaru Emoto, who studied water crystals, have shown how words can carry different vibrations and affect things around them. If you haven’t heard of his work, it’s worth checking out.
There’s even research showing how words can change our brains. According to Andrew Newberg, M.D., and Mark Robert Waldman, “a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulate physical and emotional stress.” Pretty incredible, right?
Everything around us—people, animals, plants, even objects—responds differently to words with various vibrations. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to the words we expose ourselves to. The things we say to others, the words we hear in conversations, songs, podcasts, and movies, the things we read—books, blogs, emails—and even the words we think to ourselves all matter.
Think about this: we have between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts every single day. That’s a lot of words! So, what kind of reality are we creating with them?
The words we say to ourselves are even more powerful than what others say to us. Think about it—we spend so much time in our own heads. Even if we don’t say those words out loud, they’re there, and they matter.
“Watch your thoughts; for they become words. Watch your words; for they become actions. Watch your actions; for they become habits. Watch your habits; for they become character. Watch your character; for it will become your destiny.”
— Frank Outlaw
If our thoughts and words shape our reality, doesn’t that make them the most powerful tools we have? Shouldn’t we choose the very best words to create the very best version of our lives?
Our thoughts play a huge role in what we attract into our lives, but the real magic happens with our words. Words give our thoughts power—they’re like a bold declaration of how we see ourselves, others, and the world around us. When we speak them, our words take those inner thoughts and make them real. That’s how they turn into actions, habits, and eventually, our reality.
What Are Affirmations?
Success Consciousness defines affirmations like this:

Affirmations are sentences designed to influence both your conscious and subconscious mind. In turn, they shape how you think, act, develop habits, and even impact your surroundings.
Affirmations work because they reflect what we believe. When we repeat them, they motivate us to act in ways that align with those beliefs.

How To Use Affirmations
Here’s a more conversational and simplified version of your paragraph:

There are lots of ways to use affirmations, and you can choose what works best for you. Some people enjoy trying different techniques to keep things fresh and fun, while others prefer sticking to a routine with a set schedule. Either way, here are some ideas to get you started—feel free to mix and match or just stick with one!
Say Them Out Loud
This is one of the easiest ways to use affirmations, and it’s simple to add to your daily routine. Try saying them right before bed when your brain is relaxed and in an alpha wave state. At that moment, your mind is more open to absorbing your affirmations.
Use Them During Meditation
Meditating before saying your affirmations can make them even more effective. Spend 5–10 minutes calming your mind, then repeat your chosen phrase over and over. If you’re new to meditation, apps like Insight Timer or Headspace can guide you, and soothing music can help too.
Write Them Everywhere
Sticky notes are your best friend for this! Write affirmations on them and place them around your house—on your bathroom mirror, fridge, car dashboard, or anywhere you’ll see them often. This not only boosts your positivity but can also spread good vibes to anyone you live with. You can also jot affirmations in your daily planner for a little extra inspiration.
Make Them Your Phone Wallpaper
Try putting an affirmation you love as your phone wallpaper. For example, mine says, “I have the power to create change.” It’s a great reminder during tough times that I can turn any situation around. Since we all check our phones way too much, this is an easy way to keep seeing and believing your affirmation throughout the day.
Use an App
There are plenty of apps that send daily affirmation reminders. For iPhone, I like My Daily Affirmations. Another cool one is Vision Board, which lets you upload images of things you want to manifest so you can visualize your goals every time you check your phone.
Add Them to Your Yoga Practice
Affirmations work wonders in yoga! Choose one or two positive statements to focus on throughout your session—not just during tough poses. This constant encouragement keeps your mind positive and helps you stay focused, making your practice more enjoyable and rewarding.
The best part? There’s no wrong way to use affirmations. Just find what feels right for you and let the positivity flow!

Helpful Tips
When creating your own affirmations, start with the phrase “I am.” It’s not mandatory, but it’s incredibly powerful.

A Few Tips for Writing Affirmations:
- Use the present tense—speak as if it’s already happening.
- Keep them short and specific.
- Add at least one emotion or feeling word to make it resonate.
- Visualize your affirmation—it’s key to making it work.
It’s not enough to just write or read your affirmation. You need to see it in your mind. From my experience, words alone don’t do much unless you pair them with visualization.
For example, let’s say your affirmation is:
“I am deserving of amazing clients and a business beyond my dreams.”
Start visualizing what that looks like for you.
- What are you wearing?
- How do you feel?
- What does your day look like?
- Who are you spending time with?
- What does your workspace look like?
- Where are you working from?
Picture it like a movie playing in your mind. Watch it happen. When you do this, you align your energy with the success you want to attract.
One More Thing: Be Patient
Affirmations aren’t a quick fix. They work, but you need to give them time. While the universe is working on your order, take inspired action every day. Start small, but stay consistent. You can’t just wish for something without taking steps to make it happen.
So, ready to give it a try?
Here’s a list of affirmations to get you started:
- I am confident in my abilities.
- I am capable of achieving anything.
- I am the creator of my own reality.
- I trust my intuition to guide me to the right path.
- I am financially abundant.
- Money flows freely to me and through me.
- I am open and ready to receive money now.
- I am in harmony with the energy of money.
- I am able to achieve my goals.
- I am open to receiving all the blessings of this abundant universe.
- I will get to where I want to be and enjoy the journey.
- I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
- I can choose happiness at any moment.
- I have everything I need to feel happy.
- I appreciate the little things in life.
- I am worthy of joy.
- I am prioritizing my physical and mental health.
- I am strong and healthy today.
- I nourish my body with healthy choices.
- I am grateful for my health and vitality.
- I love myself and welcome love into my life.
- I am grateful for the love surrounding me.
- I deserve abundant love.
- I attract loving relationships.
- I am present and calm within myself.
- My breath centers and grounds me.
- I am grounded, worthy, and whole.
- I release anything that no longer serves me.

Also Read: How do I Use Meditation for Manifestation?
- I am proud of who I am and what I’ve achieved.
- I am worthy of love and respect.
- I am free from limiting beliefs.
- I am enough, just as I am.