How do I Stay Consistent with Positive Thinking?

Stay Consistent with Positive Thinking

Is your glass half-empty or half-full? How you answer this classic question about positive thinking can reveal a lot about your outlook on life, your attitude toward yourself, and whether you tend to be optimistic or pessimistic. It might even have an impact on your health. Studies have shown that traits like optimism and pessimism … Read more

What Mindset Habits Lead to Better Manifestation?

What Mindset Habits Lead to Better Manifestation

Manifestation is such a popular topic these days—you hear about it everywhere! From journaling and vision boards to meditation, there are tons of ways people try to manifest the life they want. But the most important piece of the puzzle? A healthy mindset. The way we think has a huge impact on how we see … Read more

How can I Train My Mind for Success?

Train My Mind for Success

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed so much about our daily lives, from remote work to information overload and even social isolation. As we all adjust to this “new normal,” it’s the perfect time to talk about mental strength. While staying physically healthy is important, it’s just as crucial to keep our minds in shape. The … Read more

How do I Stay Motivated When My Goals Feel Too Far Away?

Stay Motivated When My Goals Feel Too Far Away

Once the holiday decorations are packed away, we turn our attention to another tradition: setting New Year’s resolutions. The start of a new year is a great time to reflect on the past, create hope for the future, and find purpose for the year ahead. Setting goals is actually good for our mental health and … Read more

How do I Overcome Negative Self-Talk?

Overcome Negative Self-Talk

Thinking positively can help you manage stress and even boost your health. Learning how to handle negative self-talk can make a big difference, and we’ve got some examples to help you get started. So, is your glass half-full or half-empty? The way you answer this classic question says a lot about how you see life, … Read more

How Can I Stay Consistent with Positive Thinking?

Stay Consistent with Positive Thinking

Are you a “glass half-empty” or “glass half-full” kind of person? How you answer this classic question about positive thinking might reveal a lot about your outlook on life, your attitude toward yourself, and whether you’re more optimistic or pessimistic—and it can even influence your health too. Studies show that personality traits like optimism and … Read more