I truly believe that you can achieve any goal and create any future you imagine.
I’ve seen this happen over and over again in my own life, and it’s something I know for sure.
The key to making this happen lies in your ability to clearly picture your goals and visualize what the process and final outcome will look like.
That’s the power of effective visualization.
When your vision of what you want is unclear, and you can’t picture yourself taking the steps to get there (because you don’t know what those steps are or what they really involve), your chances of reaching that goal will be just as unclear.
But when you can clearly visualize yourself achieving that goal, step by step, and becoming the person who can make it happen, your chances of success are almost guaranteed!
That’s why today, I want to share some of my favorite visualization techniques to help you clarify what you truly want and attract the positive energy needed to turn your dreams into reality.
What is Visualization?
Let’s start with a quick look at what positive visualization is and how an effective visualization practice works.

Simply put, visualization is what happens when you close your eyes and imagine positive images in your mind about what your life will look like once you achieve a specific goal. It’s like when you’re daydreaming and the images come so clearly that it almost feels like you’re really there. That’s creative visualization. It taps into your subconscious mind, helping you spot opportunities to reach your goals.
Types of Visualization Techniques
There are two main types of visualization techniques, and each has its own benefits:
- Outcome Visualization: This technique focuses on what your life will look like once you’ve reached your goal. You imagine every detail—how your days will unfold, where you’ll live, who you’ll be with, and how you’ll feel physically and mentally. Outcome visualization is like the carrot on a stick that keeps you motivated and inspired as you work toward your goal.
- Process Visualization: This one focuses on the steps you need to take to get to your goal. It helps reduce anxiety and quiets negative thoughts, especially when you lack experience or self-confidence. By visualizing yourself doing the research, getting the training, building your support system, and taking risks, you’re actually preparing yourself to do those things in real life. Studies show that this kind of visualization can lead to better outcomes.
I recommend using both techniques together to strengthen your mental image and motivation.
Benefits of Visualization
Here are the key benefits you’ll get from practicing visualization every day:
- It activates your subconscious mind, sparking creative ideas to help you achieve your goals.
- It programs your brain to notice the resources you’ll need to make your dreams a reality.
- It activates the Law of Attraction, drawing the people, resources, and circumstances you need into your life. (More on that below.)
- It boosts your internal motivation, helping you take action toward your goals.
- It increases your confidence by helping you see yourself as the kind of person who can succeed.
- It reduces stress and anxiety by allowing you to anticipate potential obstacles and find solutions in your mind, making it easier to overcome them when they arise.
- It prepares you for success by helping you “practice” success in your mind, teaching you to see yourself as someone who takes risks and achieves great things.
Do Visualization Techniques Really Work?
Yes, they definitely do! I’ve personally used visualization techniques to achieve many, if not most, of my goals in life. For example, I’ve reached six figures annually, written and sold multiple New York Times bestselling books, bought a beachfront property in Maui, healed my relationship with my son, created the relationship I want with my wife, and so much more.

Even today, when I’m preparing to hit a big goal, like speaking to 10,000 people from the stage, I make sure to take time to clearly visualize myself succeeding. I close my eyes and picture myself on that stage, seeing the faces of people who are engaged and interested. I imagine feeling the lights on my face and hearing their applause as they give me a standing ovation at the end!
This kind of visualization gives me the confidence to push past my natural introversion and absolutely crush every live event I speak at.

But it’s not just me—so many other successful people have used visualization to achieve their goals. I’m talking about Olympic athletes, Fortune 500 CEOs, billionaires, successful nonprofit founders, and many more. That’s the incredible power of visualization!
9 Visualization Techniques to Reach Your Dreams
Use these visualization techniques to create your own practice and get closer to reaching your life goals.

1. Know What You Want
Start by choosing one specific goal or dream to focus on. Get clear about what it is and why you want to achieve it. The more clearly you can define your goal, the easier it will be to visualize yourself accomplishing it.
2. The ‘Mental Rehearsal’ Technique
This technique is popular with top athletes. Set aside a few minutes each day to practice when you’re relaxed—right after you wake up, after meditation or prayer, or just before bed. Follow these steps:
Step 1: Imagine you’re sitting in a movie theater. The lights go down, and the movie starts. It’s a movie of YOU doing whatever you want to do perfectly. Picture the details—what you’re wearing, your expression, the surroundings, and any sounds you might hear, like traffic or applause. Imagine how you would feel while doing it.
Step 2: Now, get out of your seat and walk up to the screen. Open a door in the screen and step into the movie. Experience the scene again from your own perspective—see, hear, and feel everything in vivid detail.

Step 3: Walk back to your seat, grab the movie screen, shrink it down to the size of a cracker, and eat it! Picture each tiny piece containing the full vision of you performing well. Imagine it traveling through your body, lighting up every cell with the image of you succeeding.
This should take about five minutes. If you make this a daily habit, you’ll be amazed by the improvement you’ll see in your life.
3. Create a Vision Board
One of my favorite techniques is using a vision board. It’s a collage of images and words that remind you of your goals and dreams. For example, if you want a new car, take a picture of yourself in your dream car. If you want to visit Paris, find an image of the Eiffel Tower and add a picture of yourself there. Put all your dreams on the board so you can easily visualize your ideal life.
When we wrote the first Chicken Soup for the Soul book, we created a vision board with a scanned image of the New York Times bestseller list, placing Chicken Soup for the Soul at the top. Less than two years later, our book was number one in that category!
4. Write on Index Cards
Write your goals on 3×5 index cards and keep them by your bed. Each morning and night, read your goals aloud. As you read each one, take 15 seconds to imagine it completed, then move to the next card. This helps you focus and visualize your goals clearly.
5. Use Affirmations
An affirmation is a positive statement written in the present tense, as if you’ve already achieved your goal. For example: “I am vacationing two months a year in a tropical paradise, working just four days a week while running my own business.”
Repeat your affirmations several times a day. This will help you stay focused on your goal, strengthen your motivation, and train your subconscious mind to work towards it. Always focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want.
6. Create Triggers for Your Subconscious Mind
Our subconscious minds connect certain experiences with emotions. To help your mind connect your visualization with positive emotions, use sensory triggers. Listen to a specific song or use a scent to trigger your visualization. Expose yourself to that scent or song every day to strengthen the connection.
7. Live in the Moment
To boost the effectiveness of your visualizations, practice being present. Set aside a time each day to visualize your goals—ideally twice a day, in the morning and before bed. Keep it under 10 minutes. If you meditate, do your visualization right after for added relaxation.
Once you’ve visualized your goals, let them go and enjoy the present moment. This helps you stay grounded and clear-minded throughout the day.
8. Incorporate Sensory Experiences
An easy way to stay present is by focusing on your physical sensations. For example, try focusing on your left foot for a minute, then switch to your right foot. This helps bring your attention to the now.
If your mind starts to wander, use this practice to bring yourself back. Enjoy today—it’s a gift!
9. Expect Real Results
Writing down your goals, using visualization, and repeating affirmations will lead to real results. These techniques help you change your beliefs and tap into your mind’s full potential.
Instead of doubting yourself, believe that you can achieve any goal you set. If you practice visualization daily, surround yourself with positive people, and listen to inspiring content, you’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish!

Also Read: What are the Benefits of Combining Visualization with Meditation?
Practice Visualization Today
Now that you know the power of visualization, start practicing today! One way to amplify it is by using the Law of Attraction. This helps you cultivate a positive mindset, build confidence, and attract the people and opportunities you need to achieve your goals.
Even if you’re new to the Law of Attraction, it works when applied correctly. It helps you become more positive and confident, making it easier to bring your dreams to life.