As humans, we’re naturally wired to want answers. We need to understand the “how” and the “when” to fully believe something is true. So, when we can’t figure that out, the anxious questions start popping up: “How long does it take to manifest? When will I see my desire come to life?”
I get asked this question a lot, and trust me, I went through the same confusion when I first started working with the Law of Attraction. But here’s the thing: it’s not really our job to figure out the “how” and “when” of our manifestations. Our conscious mind isn’t the one in charge of that. Instead, it’s our deeper Awareness, or the divine force within us, that decides how and when things will unfold.
I know this might not be the answer you were hoping for. I also understand that different manifestation teachers can be confusing with their mixed messages. Some say manifestations happen instantly, while others suggest there’s always a delay between imagining something and it actually materializing.
So, which is it?
From my own experience and after studying Neville’s teachings closely, I’ve found there are two main factors that influence how long it takes for something to manifest:
- The time it takes for your subconscious mind to fully accept the new idea or desire.
- The time it takes for that desire to show up in your reality once your subconscious mind has accepted it.
Your subconscious mind is like the Creator or the Awareness behind everything that exists. It’s an impersonal and subjective part of you that accepts whatever thoughts, beliefs, and assumptions your conscious mind considers true. Once the subconscious accepts these ideas, it works to bring them into our physical reality. Essentially, the world we experience is shaped by the beliefs and assumptions that have been “impressed” on our subconscious mind.

On the other hand, your conscious mind is connected to your personal identity. It’s made up of your past experiences, beliefs, and what you assume to be true. The conscious mind comes up with ideas and impresses them onto the subconscious. It also acts as a “gatekeeper,” meaning it tries to reject new ideas that don’t align with your current beliefs or that you can’t see or experience with your senses.
This is the first big hurdle when it comes to deliberately manifesting your desires. It’s the main factor that will determine how quickly your desires come to life. To manifest, we have to first get past our conscious mind, which tends to reject anything that doesn’t fit with what we already believe or can’t directly observe in the physical world.
So how do we make this work? The key is using our imagination while we’re in a relaxed state, known as the State Akin to Sleep.
This state happens naturally twice a day—right before we fall asleep and right after we wake up. It’s that groggy, in-between feeling where you’re not fully asleep, but you’re also not totally awake. During this time, your conscious mind starts to slow down, and your subconscious becomes more open and receptive. It’s the perfect time to imagine or feel things because your subconscious is more likely to accept them.

That’s why this method works better than just using affirmations or setting intentions. While affirmations can work over time, they usually take longer because your conscious mind will resist them at first. But when you get into that relaxed, almost hypnotic state, your conscious mind lowers its guard, allowing your new ideas or desires to be accepted by your subconscious much faster and with less pushback.
Most people would probably agree that this second factor is the one we struggle with the most, especially when we’re just starting to learn how to manifest. The time it takes for your desire to move from being accepted by your subconscious to appearing in your physical world really depends on how long you can stay in your desired state.

By “state,” I mean your state of being. To keep it simple, your “state” is a set of experiences based on your beliefs.
Each state is like its own little world, with its own reactions, beliefs, people, and experiences. In fact, each state is basically its own reality. You’re constantly moving between these states depending on the beliefs and assumptions you have in your mind.
Go ahead and re-read that last part. And again if you need to. Understanding this idea will make a big difference in whether your manifestations take just a few hours or several years to show up.
It’s important to realize that “time,” as we understand it, is just an illusion. Even though it feels like time moves in a straight line, it actually doesn’t. What’s really happening is that we are constantly shifting between different ‘states’ or realities. Moment by moment, we’re choosing which state we’re moving into based on our beliefs and assumptions.
This is similar to the idea of parallel realities. You’re constantly shifting through infinite states, all the time. Everything already exists in one of these endless realities or “states” of being.

So, when it comes to manifestation, we’re not really creating something new; we’re simply choosing a new state to live in. When we focus on our desire and think from that place, we’re shifting from our current state to the one where we already have what we want.
And that’s it.
Now, the “time” factor comes down to how long we can stay in our new, desired state. If we react to negative situations or let doubt creep in, we shift back to our old state (the unwanted one). This is what we experience as a “time delay.”
Now, let’s talk about something really important: having faith in your ability to manifest. This is exactly why Neville emphasized changing your perspective and ignoring your current reality. You have to keep believing that what you want is already yours. By doing this, you avoid negative reactions or doubts that would pull you back to your old state.

It’s really important: don’t react to your current situation. It doesn’t matter at all. Your imagination and what you create mentally come before what shows up in your physical world. Everything you’re experiencing right now is just the result of old beliefs and past manifestations. This is where faith comes in. You have to believe that the Law works, even if your current reality is telling you something different.
I’m not going to lie, this part was the hardest for me. As humans, we’re wired to react to what’s happening around us; it’s part of our defense system. We’re also wired to doubt anything we can’t see or touch. But if we react or let doubt creep in, we’re just going back to our old state, and that slows everything down. So, you have to stick with the belief that your wish is already fulfilled.
You have to train yourself to observe without reacting. Don’t let doubt or thoughts of lack take over. If you do, it will only take longer to get what you want.
Also Read: What are the Signs that My Manifestation is Working?
So, how do we build our faith? By actually applying the Law. Test it out for yourself. If you think it’s all nonsense, then prove it wrong. But either way, you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Right now, your world is just a reflection of the beliefs and assumptions you’ve had in the past. Once you start building your faith, your manifestations will come quicker and more easily.

If you feel the urge to react or struggle, just pause. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and repeat to yourself, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Remember, you are the Creator of your world, and everything starts from within. Your powers go way beyond what words can describe. I’ve personally seen miracles happen almost instantly. I’ve experienced it so many times that I have no doubt left. As you keep applying the Law, your faith will grow stronger, and you’ll master this game called life.