Manifestors generally don’t like taking advice from others by default. But they’re often misunderstood, and many Manifestors feel lost because of this.
This blog post is for you if you’re a Manifestor Type in the Human Design System and you’d like to make your life work a bit better. It’s also for anyone who loves a Manifestor and wants to understand them a bit better.
(If you’re wondering why I’m talking about this powerful group when I’m a different Human Design Type, let me explain: I’ve been coaching Manifestor clients and teaching them about their Design since late 2014. I have several friends who are Manifestors who share their insights with me all the time. Plus, I live with a Manifestor partner, so I get to observe their way of being every single day. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s get into the blog post!)
Here are seven things I would share with a Manifestor (if they asked me) about living in better alignment with their naturally powerful self.
Informing Makes Relationships Work Better
Your Human Design Strategy is “to inform.” While it might feel challenging for Manifestors to do this, it’s crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. As a Manifestor, you’re naturally inclined to initiate—taking your ideas, inspirations, and intuitive hits and just making things happen. It’s easy to jump into action without telling anyone what you’re doing.
The problem is that our lives are interconnected. Your actions affect others, sometimes significantly. By informing those around you—especially those who will be impacted by your decisions—you can prevent unnecessary conflicts. When people know what you’re up to, they’re more likely to feel safe to carry on with their lives without worrying about being left out.
You Don’t Need Permission
Adult Manifestors don’t need to ask permission. Just let those around you know that you’re coming or going, or that you’re off to start something new. Ideally, you’ll surround yourself with people who don’t try to push you into doing something other than what you truly need or want to do. If you’re in a relationship with someone who consistently blocks your creative flow or tries to persuade you otherwise, it might be worth considering if that relationship is healthy for you. You already know how important freedom is to your well-being; this just confirms it.
You’re a Creative Force
Your creativity may not look the same as that of your Manifestor friends or family members, but all Manifestors are here to be a creative force in the world. You’re meant to take those expansive dreams or intuitive knowings and turn them into real, tangible things. This is your role: to convert energy into matter through deliberate action. This is vital because, as a Manifestor, you get things started—providing other Types with opportunities to respond or be invited into your projects.
You’re Here to Start Things
Building on the previous point, you’re here to start things. You’re the initiator. Once you’ve got something rolling, it’s ideal for Generator Types (like Generators and Manifesting Generators) to take over to keep it going. Gens and Mani Gens have consistent access to sustainable energy—they can maintain a project long after you’ve moved on to the next big idea. This isn’t a problem; it’s literally how you’re designed. You start, and they continue.
You’re Going to Impact People
Your aura (energy field) is designed to impact others. It’s meant to ‘bump’ into people, clearing the way for you to start things. There’s no hiding if you’re a Manifestor—it’s almost impossible. While this energetic interaction isn’t necessarily “bad,” think of it like being at the beach, feeling exhilarating waves crash over your feet. People choose to experience this every day around the world.
If they resonate with your unique ‘flavor’ of Manifestor energy, they’ll enjoy the way you bump into them too. Instead of trying to hide or fit in, actively informing others when you arrive or leave will make them feel safer and more comfortable around you. And when others feel safe, they naturally treat those around them— including you—better.
Every Manifestor Needs Alone Time
You need time alone to decompress, especially after spending time with Generators and Manifesting Generators (because all that consistent life force energy they emit can be draining). You also need time alone to rest, do creative thinking, planning, and actual creation. Depending on your unique Human Design configuration, you may need more or less alone time than other Manifestors.
But no matter your energetic makeup, taking some small or large chunks of alone time each day is crucial for you to truly thrive. If you have a Generator or Manifesting Generator partner, you might find it supportive to sleep alone some or all of the time. This is a personal choice but can significantly impact your ability to rest, recover, and repair deeply. The more well-rested you are, the more impactful your creations will be in the world.
Also Read: How Can I Stay Consistent with Positive Thinking?
Clearing Out Old Anger and Frustration Leads to a Better Quality of Life
There are a lot of angry and frustrated Manifestors out there, and for good reason. As children, Manifestors naturally knew they could do things without waiting for others. As kids, you likely felt that waiting or asking permission was unnecessary or even silly. Being told ‘no’ repeatedly can be really painful for the Manifestor child who grows up to be you. If this resonates, know that it’s okay to feel angry and hurt. You’re allowed to wish your parents had let you follow your own path in your own timing.
The best thing you can do now, now that you’re an adult, is to love and heal those parts of yourself that still carry around anger, frustration, and hurt from the past. By doing this, your sense of well-being and your ability to positively impact others will naturally increase. There are countless ways to clear, resolve, and heal past pain. Trauma-Informed Tapping (the way I do it now after years of doing EFT as a Certified Practitioner) is one method I personally love. It’s highly flexible yet deeply effective, suitable for every different Human Design configuration. So, find a tool or process that speaks to you if you genuinely wish to resolve the pain of the past and build a future with more freedom and purpose.